Hello “Tonna Villagers” we hope you are keeping well and safe during this difficult time, we all need to follow the Government instructions and stay at home to reduce the risk to ourselves, others and help those on the front line at the NHS and key-workers.
We hope you are all being looked after by family or someone close regarding any medication and that you have enough food supplies – if you have any problems please feel free to contact your Community Co-Ordinators who have a network of “Street Champions” ready to offer help and support to the residents of our Village of Tonna.
Your Community Co-ordinators are:
County Cllr: Leanne Jones – 07864 74 07 85
Community Cllr: Johanne Barnes – 07816 35 54 24
Here are some other useful contacts and details on agencies out there offering advice, support and help.

Neath & Port Talbot
NPT Buy Local: www.npt.gov.uk/22596. (online suppliers and support)
NPT SAFE and Well: www.npt.gov.uk/22620. – free service to support those vulnerable residents call 01639 686868
Benefit advice: 01639 685225
Child protection: 01639 686803 or out of hours 01639 895455

General organisations:
Neath Port Talbot Council for Voluntary Service – https://www.nptcvs.wales
Welsh Womens Aid – https://www.welshwomensaid.org.uk or free phone number 0808 8010800
Calan DVS Neath – 01639 633580
Childline – https://www.childline.org.uk/get-support/contacting-childline/message-from-childline/ 08001111
NSPCC – 0808 800 5000
Samaritans – confidential and free call 116123
Llamau -01639 685219 (support for young people with homelessness, violence etc)
Shelter Cymru – Housing Advice – https://sheltercymru.org.uk/get-advice/coronavirus/ or 08000 495495
Citizens Advice Bureau – https://citizensadvicesnpt.org.uk
benefits/debt/employment/housing/family/law/. tel: 0300339082
Celtic Credit Union – https://celticcreditunion.co.uk. (money/loans) 03330063002
Neath Port Talbot MIND – 10-2pm tel 07939 155557
Childrens Commissioner for Wales – www.childcomwales.org.uk. (info hub and advice for families and children)
Older Peoples Commissioner for Wales – www.olderpeoplewales.org.uk
RSPCA – https://www.rspca.org.uk/utilities/contactus/reportcruelty
Public Health Wales – https://phw.nhs.wales/topics/latest-information-on-novel-coronavirus-covid-19/
NHS Wales – https://www.nhsdirect.wales.nhs.uk

Food Banks
Neath – 07534256508