It is with great pleasure that we can announce the re-opening of the Tonna recreational areas commencing Monday 27th July 2020.

It is essential that anyone visiting the parks must adhere to the Covid-19 guidelines set upon each playground and adhere to Government protocols.

All relevant signage has been displayed in both parks along with the attached Risk Assessment document for the facility.

The Dan-y-Bryn park has recently undertaken some much needed improvements with roughly £50,000 being spent on new apparatus to up-grade its facilities. Hopefully the children of Tonna can now enjoy the Grass playing area and the new Playground equipment!

The Community Council have worked extremely hard behind the scenes to secure the funding provided through the local grant authority opportunities and should be congratulated on their efforts!! Well done guys!!

On behalf of Tonna CC, we hope the children are able to enjoy the new (& old) equipment throughout their Summer holidays.

Playground Risk Assessment document